Review – If Dreams Can Die by David Michael Williams

If souls can sleep, then why not dream?

Last year I read If Souls Can Sleep and If Sin Dwells Deep by David Michael William and was fascinated by the dreamscape. Thanks to David, I had the opportunity to read the final book in the Soul Sleep Cycle and wow!

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Title: If Dreams can Die

Author: David Michael Williams

Genre: Science Fiction – Fantasy

Age Classification: Adult

Publisher: One Million Words

Format: E-book

Release: May 21, 2019

Available Format(s): PaperbackEbook

This series has presented an interesting theory and If Dreams Can Die furthers the intrigue. Moments that had little meaning before are suddenly of the greatest importance, many of the characters from the previous two novels make appearances and some minor characters now play a much bigger role.

The character I believe to be the MC is the Lady of Peace, simply the story seems to mostly revolve around her and her choices. She has proven souls can exist in the dreamscape after death, but her new goal is to bring them back from the ‘other side’ so she can be reunited with her husband and daughter who died many years ago in a car accident. Her actions can be described as survivors guilt with a dash of a ‘God’ complex.

Through the various characters, we find out more about the intended plans and questions from the first two novels are answered. However, even though there are multiple POVs, there are a few semi-unreliable narrators that make the ending near impossible to predict. As I was reading the final few chapters, each page felt like a plot twist and the ending was more of a shock than I had anticipated.

This series definitely requires brain power to keep up with all the happenings and I would recommend reading the first two novels before diving into this one because they provide a great deal of background for this book. However, if you are up for a sci-fi fantasy that will blow your mind, this is a wonderfully written series that will keep you on the edge of your seat and have your mind racing with possibilities.

Star Rating: ☆☆☆☆

I thoroughly enjoyed this series and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for something a little outside the box.

Have you read this series?
Do you like the idea of living a separate reality in the dreamscape?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Until next time bibliophiles!

Amy x

A digital copy of this book was supplied to me by David Michael Williams

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